Tuesday, June 11for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms


Life In Black and White

Life In Black and White

Beauty, Boho Démodé, Cultural Caravan, Poetry
to be in motion pictures after the war, that is what I dream about, life in black and white; not to be a movie star with sultry eyes and off-the- shoulder gown, perfect clavicle accentuating the neck; it's the other girl, the b-roll girl; with her up-or-down do, smiling and waving that quick wave, like royalty fast forward; the girl who made knee-length, nipped waist jacket, freckles, hats and loafers look sexier than mini,pinched, crop-ped, not Photoshopped. to live in graytones; before America became obese...with greed, back when being cultured was okay, and openly gay, or black with a fair shake, or a woman with a say, was the color that shone through, giving life to the shadow; to be in motion pictures after the war, th...

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