Thursday, May 16for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms


8 Ways to Cauterize Education: the Education Reformation

8 Ways to Cauterize Education: the Education Reformation

Education, Philosophical Spirit, Politics
Yesterday, iced in, cut off and without electricity, sitting close enough to the cozy fire in the fireplace to make the newest Hunger Games movie title actually mean something literal (look it up), I did the thing Americans of this generation do when bored...yep, I took out the ole cell phone and wasted the daylight hours on social media.  Now that word "wasted" is arguable because, well, there's some great stuff floating around out there.  Pics of high school acquaintances in their swimwear lying in the snow, more pics of ice covered roses and branches, tributes to Nelson Mandela, the video of that two-year-old kid who can shoot a basketball like a pro, and that commercial of Adam Levine in his underpants are all very entertaining, but the true grit is the stuff that inspires you to do so...

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