Thursday, May 16for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms


Tales for the traveling spirit and tips to ease the journey.

New York Stories:  The Five-Dollar Bill

New York Stories: The Five-Dollar Bill

Finding a five-dollar bill and keeping it for yourself isn't a crime.  I'd pretty much just call it a lucky break.  That fiver will get you a cheap meal in a pinch, a toothbrush and some toothpaste, a few rides on the subway, maybe even a hand-job if you're up for that sort of thing...I mean it's not a nothing.  But when is a five-dollar bill worth more than its face value? Spending your first thirty-minutes in New York is slightly hectic and not without confusion.  It takes some courage (even with massive pre-planning) to choose to save the $50.00 taxi fare from Laguardia into the heart of the city and instead for $2.50 pick up the Q70 bus to the Jackson-Heights subway station.  There's a chance you'll miss your stop, get lost, maybe not even catch the bus in the first place.  And then...

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