Thursday, May 16for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: farming

Minor Chores

Minor Chores

Cultural Caravan, Poetry
I My father used to call the tops of acorns little elves hats, and when the trees turned in the fall he called the color chartreuse. My mother used to call my father whenever she needed a wasp killed, so she could pick herself up off the grass . . . or carpet . . . or wherever she had thrown her allergic body to find refuge from Vermin. My father always liked them. He used to talk about their value in the garden and how good they were to eat in Thailand during Vietnam. He knew they always had some job to do and I knew that He was the Devil incarnate. Only because he was an atheist and grew foods organically, which just didn’t seem natural to a teenager who wanted a father just like every other father who worked in an office. N...

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