Thursday, May 16for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: laughter

Welcome to the Darque (DARK) Side

Welcome to the Darque (DARK) Side

Motivation, Philosophical Spirit
Having just completed the prerequisite, Mark took a swig and handed me the bottle of wine. Now it was my turn to tell something about myself that the others didn’t already know. I didn’t like this game called “Divulge and Drink.” It was just a stupid thing made up by actors hanging out post performance. Everyone else had come up with something cute, witty, simultaneously self-deprecating and self-promoting as a response. Now, all eyes were turned my way. I had nothing.  “You tell me,” I blurt out.  “Tell me something I don’t know about myself.” “I’m game,” Mark says in his queenly falsetto. “You hide.” “What do you mean?” I ask. “You hide yourself. You are honest and sweet, but you hide something. What is it you’re hiding?” The gauntlet had been thrown. I knew...

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