Wednesday, May 1for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms


You are the reason
I regained my faith in walking
between the trees and trying
new things.  You are the reason
I cannot find a match to my
socks.  The reason I always find
my keys when they’re “lost”, ok
misplaced, but nevertheless
you remain solid.  You are the reason
I hide my American Idol afflicton, it’s not
really an addiction, just a breather from
my muse, she can be a little high strung. You
are the reason I eat brussel sprouts again.
You are my best friend. In you, I believe.
You are the reason, I’m not unhinged, unless
I want to be. It’s up to me. You are more
than words on a page if I wrote every day
through eternity and still had more to say.

And you?  Well, you are the reason, I wake
up with purpose. You are the reason I
feel the need to protect someone, from
boyfriends, and drama. You are the reason
my hair turns grey, a new one every day. You
are the reason I watch Bad Girls on TV,
even though I just want to give them all
a spanking and ground them for year, but you’re
here. And you are the reason my moments count
and I can’t check out even if some days
I want to. You are the reason I see beauty
in me. Like a mirror you reflect back the parts
I have helped you be and some that I
could do without. Goofy me. Grumpy me. You
are more than miles on a road, if I drove
every day through eternity and still had sites to see.

You too, you are the reason I found a voice. The
reason I realized I had a choice and could make a
decision that mattered. You are the reason I
began to understand undying love. You are the reason
I could see imaginary friends, and knew every
step to the Backstreet Boys video. You are the reason
the rest of my hair is grey, more and more each day.
You are the reason, I could laugh through my tears, at
once you would break my heart and then bring me
complete joy. You are the reason I know that not
all paths are the same and that kids are just little
men and women without all the information. You are
the reason I know about Pac Sun and what a hurley is,
and why boys are so squirly. You are more than
things if I collected every day until eternity and still
had something precious to find.

And you, you are the reason I understand
a dad’s love, because I see it when you’re longing
for the man. You are the reason I understand
being broken and getting up again and giving up again,
and getting up again. Well, not so much getting up
but being picked up. You are the reason I understand
needing to be picked up until you find your own feet.
You are the reason, addiction is clear, and every year
praying that someone stays clean. You are the reason
Putt Putt is spiritual, and fishing too. I understand
now the need for catch and release. Only the big ones
are keepers and sometimes even they are spared. You
are the reason I save my Sunday. And you are my worry,
but also my hope. You mean more than if I spent every
day visiting lakes and waterways until eternity and still
saw the beauty in every wave.

You, and you, and you, and you, and the list is
ever going. There aren’t enough hours in a day
to write something I need to say about those of
you who make my moments count. I may not call,
or give shout outs, but you are my soul, the loves
of my heart. You are all life and art. You
mean more than if I lived every day through eternity
and still found wonder in a leaf or a raindrop.



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