Friday, May 3for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms


Arlee Bird & Alchemy

Arlee Bird & Alchemy

Art, Cultural Caravan, Motivation, Philosophical Spirit
First, Arlee Bird...just a quick shout out to Arlee Bird who started the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  What a fantastic way to inspire people to share their passion for writing!  It's my first year, so I'm sure I'll do plenty wrong.  Building a blogging website has been a bit of trial and error for me, but it keeps my mind fresh.  Thanks Mr. Bird for the inspiration. Now, for the alchemy part.  This is what writing is all about, turning something normal and every day into something really special.  Pictures of the mind are often hard to translate into universal words that bring others to deeper levels of understanding.  Good writers make us see.  Great writers make us believe.   This is why we keep writing and challenging ourselves daily.  And so to all of you...keep calm and blog on...

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