Sunday, May 19for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Cultural Caravan

A constantly evolving swag wagon of music, art, and poetry.

Albums & Artists – Baptized by Music

Albums & Artists – Baptized by Music

Cultural Caravan, Motivation, Philosophical Spirit
My name is Jennifer Suzanne. I am just beginning the A-Z Blogging Challenge, and this year I focused on writing to avoid destruction or evanescence (the quality of being fleeting or vanishing quickly). I was named after two songs, “Jennifer Juniper” by Donovan and “Fire and Rain” by James Taylor. They represent both the light and the dark that I have come to know in myself. The girl who lies on the grass and dreams while awake, and the one who is often gone from the world, trapped by the dark ribbons in her own mind. Jennifer Juniper lives upon the hillJennifer Juniper, sitting very stillIs she sleeping? I don't think soIs she breathing? Yes, very lowWhatcha doing, Jennifer, my love? And the second: Just yesterday mornin', they let me know you were goneSuzanne, the plans the...

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