Saturday, May 18for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms


A-Z Theme Reveal: Destruction or Evanescence

A-Z Theme Reveal: Destruction or Evanescence

Motivation, Philosophical Spirit
I've been thinking seriously of faking my own death. There are organizations in our world that will help you do this if you're willing to give up everything and never look back. They're called "fixers," and their business is death fraud. I guess by my writing it though, I've negated the possibility of follow through. People would now question my demise. Worse than faking my death would be to really die and have people questioning my authenticity. Truthfully, I love life. There is so much to observe, to experience, to learn, but at the moment I'm not loving my place in life. If this crazy past year has taught me anything, it is that. I've ended up in or created, depending on who you ask, a world that demands a lot and doesn't provide much in return. The feeling has been following m...

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