Sunday, May 19for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms


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Philosophical Spirit, Politics
     This was posted on Facebook today and though I usually steer away from heated political debate, I couldn't bite my tongue.  I know this runs the risk of offending but I'm afraid the tongue biting is starting to hurt just a little too much.      Anyway, the bomb comment doesn't really even deserve a thread of time.  So, I'm not giving it any. It's ridiculous.  As for the rest,  I hate to vehemently disagree with others because I'm a peacemaker through and through, but this isn't even a fair comparison.  There are laws that regulate underage driving, impaired drivers, overaged drivers, disabled drivers, psychologically unsound drivers etc. These laws are strictly enforced and there are steep consequences for breaking them, including revoking licenses and imprisonment. However, the ...

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