Wednesday, May 8for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: accused

Notorious Women Wrongly Accused

Notorious Women Wrongly Accused

Philosophical Spirit, Politics
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about notoriety and women who unwillingly gained a place in history. It is worth considering that all of these women, in one way or another, were victims of male domination and conquest. Historically, when the jizz hits the fan women become the scapegoat for poor masculine decision-making while simultaneously being considered incapable of handling power roles effectively. Ladies have literally lost their heads while emotionally carrying the weight of over-zealous masculinity. But, let’s not exonerate the role female judgment has played in the patriarchy. Women have long been the passers-down of propriety to other women, keeping us effectively in our place lest we be ostracized from the group. The outcomes of these behaviors have had dire consequences—abuse,...

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