Sunday, May 19for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: poetry


Cultural Caravan, Poetry
You are the reason I regained my faith in walking between the trees and trying new things.  You are the reason I cannot find a match to my socks.  The reason I always find my keys when they're "lost", ok misplaced, but nevertheless you remain solid.  You are the reason I hide my American Idol afflicton, it's not really an addiction, just a breather from my muse, she can be a little high strung. You are the reason I eat brussel sprouts again. You are my best friend. In you, I believe. You are the reason, I'm not unhinged, unless I want to be. It's up to me. You are more than words on a page if I wrote every day through eternity and still had more to say. And you?  Well, you are the reason, I wake up with purpose. You are the reason I feel the need to protect someone, f...

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