Saturday, May 18for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: true love

Brians, Bobs, and Brans – Oh My!

Brians, Bobs, and Brans – Oh My!

Love Actually
My life has been full of loves come and gone. Weirdly there is something many of them have in common—names that begin with the letter “B.” I don’t know what it is about the second letter of the alphabet, but it always gets the best of me. Brad was my first real boyfriend. He drove a Ford Ranchero (the front was like a car, the back was like a truck…) and had a mullet. We were so cool and codependent. Young love can be so deep. Robert (aka Bob) was my first true love. He was a beautiful enigma. My husband. My first baby daddy. We would put pennies on the railroad track. He could dance—oh how we danced. He saved me. I prayed daily we would never end. We did. I thought I would die. Part of me did. Brian #1 took me away from home. His family was immoral and threatening....

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