Saturday, May 4for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: weed

Xanax, Ecstacy, Marijuana and All That Jazz

Xanax, Ecstacy, Marijuana and All That Jazz

Philosophical Spirit, Politics
Sometime in the course of human existence someone determined that altering the human experience was preferential or added to the fun, took away from the pain, or just plain made things better.  Originally, these drugs came au natural, but by circumstance, dumb luck, or genius, people began to reenvision the process of chemical alteration.  This isn't a bad thing always.  In fact, in may ways it's a wonderful thing, as diseases have disappeared or can be controlled, psychotic episodes can be alleviated, people can often generally live better lives.  No one is finding fault with Alexander Fleming and his discovery of penicillin or the development of literally thousands of other drugs that help and heal.  Hell, heroine and cocaine were originally used for legitimate medical purpose. Bu...

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