Monday, May 6for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Boho Démodé

Beauty and fashion that appeal to the boho bougie in every girl.

Savage Love and Loathing

Savage Love and Loathing

Beauty, Boho Démodé, Motivation, Philosophical Spirit
So there is this manner of doing things for others that some people have figured out and some have not.  It leads to either savage love or self loathing. It may, in fact, be the key to happiness.  It's called Moderate Want and Not Obligated,  and it works like this.  You do things because you choose to.  Notice the words "choose to" instead of "want to" or "have to".  Just because you choose to do something doesn't mean you want to or have to, but it means you have made a conscious and thoughtful decision to operate in a certain way. This is often an elusive concept.  We as humans can easily confuse choice and want, or choice and obligation.  Within the past few months there was a caller on a Savage Love podcast who was really struggling with the fact that he was a pedophile.  He...

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