Wednesday, May 8for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms


Urban Sustainability

Urban Sustainability

Philosophical Spirit, Politics
Cities seem to be the bastard stepchildren of sustainability fanatics.  They get blamed for all the bad stuff.  I can say this with expert knowledge because I am the offspring of said sustainability fans.  For the whole of my life, the benefits of living off the grid have been glorified.  When you grow up in an old chicken coop, crave snacks and are told "bake them yourself", spend summers picking the food that will feed you through the winter, raise calves named Mr. T Bone and Chuck Roast because you must always keep in mind their personal sacrifice to the "better good", trade cars for lambs, learn to sew, knit, weave, create, and are subliminally taught that evil city empires are out to destroy Mother Earth, you quickly begin to realize your way of life is both grand and different, or yo...

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