Friday, May 10for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms


Over the Edge

Over the Edge

Art, Cultural Caravan, Poetry
Today I dipped my toe over the edge, thinking of you and how you slid under.  People will only wonder why the train is delayed and they have  to wait, but I wonder about how you might have been.  I know how your story ends, because today when I arrived for the line the lights were all ablaze to clean up and take your body away. Everything  is dirty contrast when illuminated this bright.  I waited alone. Your stop was not my own.  You were alone  too.  Why didn't you try? Everyone else was still at home except apparently you, and me, and that employee.  "The line is down," he said with regret. He hadn't told me about you yet, but I could see it on his face, the way he wept without tears or emotional display.  No news will mention you today, or the tragedy o...

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