Wednesday, May 1for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: art

Killing a Lady Queen Only Fifteen

Killing a Lady Queen Only Fifteen

Art, Cultural Caravan
This is a poem I wrote tonight about seeing the painting The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by French painter Paul Delaroche, at the National Gallery in London.  No painting has ever stopped me in my tracks like this one.  There is something unexplicable about the magnetism of this piece of art.  If you get a chance, you should absolutely read the whole story of this doomed girl. Killing a Lady Queen Only Fifteen Her eyes cannot pull through paintings perfumed with aged dust and spirit of Reformation.  They are covered.  Bound. Tightly wound and blinded but full of light; she is easy to find this Lady Jane Grey.   Given away as a handkerchief to her Fate.  Marriage. Her mate Guildford Dudley, a Duke by proxy. Heirarchy loosely woven in documents of kings decr...

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