Monday, May 13for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: found objects

Collecting Metal & Teacups

Collecting Metal & Teacups

Art, Cultural Caravan, Nomad Nest, Trinkets & Treasures
There is a part of me that is magpie, a maximalist who is drawn to shiny things. Well, to be perfectly accurate, magpies don't actually collect shiny things. They've gotten a bad rap. Their preference is just to pick up interesting objects to examine them - kind of how I shop at Target. I, on the other hand, am what a magpie would be if the stereotypes held true. Today, I'm going to share with you some of my collections. Metal Objects I've Picked Up On the StreetBooksRocks & Round ThingsLiquor That I Don't DrinkVintage Door Knobs Used to Make Wine & Liquor Bottle StoppersShoesScarvesWatches & RingsSeaglass & SoapsOrchidsPaint Brushes & Art SuppliesArtBroken HeartsPaperTeacups & ChinaMemories

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