Friday, May 3for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: London, I mean behrds, I mean behrds

Decor, Nomad Nest
After spending some time in London, it's quite evident that there is a fascination among the English with birds, ahem behrds.  Maybe it's the countless bread-fed pigeons that roam the streets or the mud-hen, which I find pretty and not muddy at all and have renamed the "two-color duck", swimming in Regents Canal.  Maybe it's the swans along the Thames.  So, a trip into Marlyebone to The Conran Shop made me squeal with delight when I saw this fanciful bird lamp.  I've seen it before in magazines, but it's different in person, like a handcraft your grandmother would give you if she owned a bad-ass welder and had a tiny, fake, feathered flock. I want to own this lovely ornament but then, there's the logical part of me that says, "Jimeney Christmas!  This thing costs $640!  I could buy a cr...

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