Wednesday, May 15for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: writing

Epitaph Epinephrine

Epitaph Epinephrine

Motivation, Philosophical Spirit, Religion
Spoiler alert...we're all going to die.  Don't be mad that I told you.  The ending isn't so great anyway.  I mean, it really depends on how much you liked the show, because as we know, everyone's a critic.  I don't plan on going out without getting the last word though, not that I'm competitive or anything.  But...why under earth would I chance some creatively comatose entity scratching their blather into my final resting place?  Have you seen the words people leave as final turn-of-phrase for the recently deceased?  I'm crossing myself and I'm not even Catholic.  Who writes those epitaphs anyway?  What they need is a shot of epinephrine.  Not the people.  The epitaphs.  So, I have taken it upon myself to write my own epitaph.  And forget the stone, I want it displayed on one of those digi...

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