Saturday, May 4for those who wander, wonder & define life on their own terms

Tag: youth

Making Thinkers, Not Kool-Aid Drinkers

Making Thinkers, Not Kool-Aid Drinkers

Education, Philosophical Spirit
Making thinkers is a delicate job full of tiny little details and potential mess-ups that could ultimately lead to collosal failure.   Someone could swim right to the edge of the infinity pool and then what?  As one well-known gentleman once said, "aye, there's the rub."  We can't foresee the outcome and that's just downright scaaaarrrrrrryyyyyy to some. You see, so many teachers are in the midst of a revival, singing praises to the system, or at least going along because the music sounds nice and everyone is just "so darned friendly."  When you're part of the potluck it's a great experience.  So much so that you forget to listen to the sermon to see if it actually preaches values you believe in.  Next thing you know, everyone is drinking the Kool Aid. Stay away from the Kool Aid. ...

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